Raiden has a plethora of other abilities that are not suited for combat such as creation of interrealm portals, project blinding light from his eyes, raise fallen beings from the dead, take flight and summoning objects such as ships as shown in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance....
而后文跟钛帝国火刃英雄克隆体剑光swordlight对战的星际战士情况是这样的 [图片] 没错,这名原铸星际战士已经是动力甲损坏(动力背包),一只手失去的状态了。 [图片] 剑光:孩子们,即使有slurry of nanites and chemical stimulants的加成,我还是肘不赢这个psm。 2:土氏表示星际战士的改造技术的鄙夷,并且表示自己对...
Light Attack Ninja Run Attack Sliding Tackle Launcher Draw Attack Draw Attack (Max Charge) Strong Attack Right Back Kick Triple Kick Flurry Kick Tornado Slash Stab Kick Cross Slice Low Roundhouse Triple Kick Upswing Throat Slicer Ankle Slicer Heel Drop Rolling Thunder Mid-Air Slice Mid-Air Slice ...