首先我们需要安装simulationcarft插件 ./mon_201801/18/7Q5-bsreKr.zip?filename=Simulationcraft%2ezip 然后打开游戏 /simc 会弹出一大串代码,复制他 之后我们打开Raidbots,选择你模拟的项目 我就以快速模拟为例 把我们之前复制的
在Simulation Options里面,我们可以选择模拟方案,常用的模拟方案有两种,一种是纯单体,即Patchwerk,后面Boss数量建议不变选择1,然后可以选择战斗时长,其他选项不建议更改 目前Raidbots还支持模拟大秘境下的方案,更多考虑了小怪阶段的输出,我们可以在Fight Style里面选择Dungeon Slice(Beta),其他选项保持不变,就是模拟大秘境...
The simulation is also perfectly consistent, meaning that there is no human element that may alter results. Also, the rotation that simulations are executing by default is nearly perfect. 3.1. What is Raidbots? Raidbots is a website created by Seriallos. It essentially takes SimulationCraft, ...
20:00):Simulation Options: Smart Sim, Patchwerk, 1 Boss, 5 minutes, SimC Weekly 1boss么?
Margin of Error is the average variation in the simulation's DPS, and it is an expression of how accurate the result is. In any given sim, the DPS can swing by the Margin of Error multiplied by 2. In the above example, our Margin of Error is +/- 75, meaning that the total DPS ...