The WoW Classic Best Raids Tier List ranks what we think is the best and worst in the game. There is a couple of main factors that determine where we place a raid within this ranking, first is the overall difficulty this includes the time it takes to complete, mobs and bosses. The oth...
Instructor Razuvious trains thewarriorrecruits ofNaxxramasand poses an interesting fight. The Instructor himself deals insane amounts of damage; to such extend that the only way to tank him is to[Mind Control]one of his 4 students and cycle through them as the Mind Controls run out. Above tha...
Welcome to our Zul’Gurub raid guide for WoW Classic! The troll-infested zone of Zul’Gurub is found within Stranglethorn Vale and serves as an excellent entry point for raiding. ZG is a 20 man raid and has a short 3 day lockout. Anyone above level 58 is
Pals for Life|H/Whitemane|Semi Hardcore Raiding Friday+Saturday nights WoW Classic New Guild Listings < Dead > is a semi hardcore (Horde) progression PvP raiding guild that was inspired by a group of real life friends that have been playing World of Warcraft since vanilla was released. We ...
The Frostwyrm Lair is the final destination of Naxxramas and houses only two bosses. Unfortunately, these are also by far the hardest bosses in the raid, and WoW Classic as a whole, and can be a big roadblock. Once you have cleared this place, it is time to get ready for Burning (Cr...
WoW Classic General Discussion Jul 2019 1 / 5 Jul 2019 Jul 2019 Annoyance <The Unwanted Horde> 20 posts 120 Troll Death Knight 1940 Jul 2019 I am looking for a weekend raiding guild. Only reason I am making this post is because there doesn’t seem to be very many advertising for my...
If you are looking to learn about how to fast kill a certain boss or all bosses in the Zul'Aman raid successfully, and how to get the mount - Amani War Bear in WoW Classic TBC Phase 4, this guide will help you out.
heard of GDKP raids. GDKP stands for “Gold Dragon Kill Points”, a loot distribution system popular in WoW raids. During a GDKP run, players can bid for items dropped during a raid. Then at the end of the run, the raid leader will distribute the earnedWOTLK Classi...
Which is the best DPS for the upcoming ICC raid in WoW Classic? Let's tell you the answer with this WotLK Phase 4 DPS Ranking List! WotLK Phase 4 DPS Tier List - Best DPS Specs Ranking for ICC Raid World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic is entering its fourth and final...