Roxam Gear Recommendations Recommended PVE Stats ACC, SPD, HP%, C.RATE, C.DAM Recommended PVE Artifact Sets Speed, Accuracy, Perception, Relentless Recommended PVP Stats ACC, SPD, C.RATE, C.DAM Recommended PVP Artifact Sets Savage, Cruel, Speed, Accuracy, Perception, Lethal ...
The peak now contains some of the best artifact sets in the game but you will face some of the hardest challenges building a consistent team Read the full guide here..Spider Boss Guide Difficulty: Easy The only place where you can farm Accessories in Raid: Shadow Legends. It’s also vital...
The higher the Rank of a piece of Gear, the greater the value of its Stats. Gear's Rank and Rarity is innate, and will never change through upgrading. When viewing a piece of Gear, you can see all its properties at a glance as follows: Set Bonus Mechanics Artifact Sets that have a...
There are a lot of battles in RAID: Shadow Legends, and you don’t need to rework your whole team every single time. When you do start looking at your Artifacts, make sure you’re checking out the set bonuses that come with them. Every Artifact belongs to a set, and Artifacts in ...
Raid Shadow Legends features a turn-based combat system where two teams of champions face off against each other. Each champion has unique abilities and stats that determine their role in battle. Some champions are tanks, able to absorb damage and protect their teammates, while others deal massiv...
"If the Artifact has already been upgraded before, it will keep the acquired Stat bonuses, though the Substats themselves will still change - they’ll just get a bonus equivalent to the Artifact Level. " Not sure I understood that correctly. ...
If you're looking for gear with a very specific stat and aren't worried about what Artifact Set it comes from, use the "Hide Set Filters" checkbox. Ticking this checkbox will show you the gear with the highest stats, regardless of the Artifact Set it's a part of. ...
Godseeker Aniri Gear Recommendations Recommended PVE Stats SPD, HP%, DEF% Recommended PVE Artifact Sets Speed, Defence, Immortal, Regeneration Recommended PVP Stats SPD, HP%, DEF% Recommended PVP Artifact Sets Speed, Defence, Immortal
He is an Epic from the High Elves faction and one of the most desired Epics in Raid: Shadow Legends! Royal Guard is the hardest-hitting Epic in the game versus Dungeon Bosses and one of the hardest-hitting overall champions in the game! He has an A2 ability which scales from the Enemy...
Borgoth is a tanky old crab who’s perfected the art of damage reduction. The only way to crack his armor is to reduce his Max HP which can either be done through champion skills withDestroy Max HPor the more accessible route is usingDestroy Artifact Set. Once you’ve got his MAX HP...