Separation Anxiety: if the hounds are too far from Golemagg, he resets Mangle: reduction to movement by half, plus 300 damage per two seconds The guard hounds can regain health when reduced below 50% Golemagg the Incinerator Fight Strategy You can go up the path to the left toward Golemag...
13 - KiwiFarm (For Gold Farming) KiwiFarm is a resets and gold tracking addon for World of Warcraft Classic. It helps players keep track of their gold earnings and expenditures, as well as reset timers for various in-game events. Features of KiwiFarm addon: Gold Tracking: KiwiFar...
Players in North America will have their resets for these bosses on Tuesdays and Saturdays, in Europe, on Wednesdays and Sundays, and in Asia on Thursdays and Mondays. Gather your allies and go forth to battle! Higher Libram and Burning Essence Droprate Hotfix Coming + Fire Resist ...