最后,托管机器人并将其邀请到您自己的服务器。 特征 该Discord Bot具有许多功能,可保护您的Discord服务器。 验证码防火墙 最低帐户年龄要求 防裸露图片 反亵渎 反垃圾邮件 日志 基本审核命令 限制不影响具有ADMINISTRATOR权限的成员! 日志 指令 ?setup : Set up the captcha protection. ?setting点...
discord-raid discord-raid-protect python raid raid-protect raid-protection raidprotect A Discord Bot that allows you to protect your Discord server with captcha, anti profanity, anti nudity image, anti spam, account age required, logs...
一个简单有效的机器人来袭击Discord服务器。 要使用Bot,您需要npm( ),您必须安装discord.js模块(通过执行“ cd C:\ Users(会话)\ Desktop,打开CMD转到文件夹的目标位置) (文件夹的名称)“ then do” npm i-保存discord.js“ then do” npm i文件系统“ then do node index.js然后修改该行” bot.login(...
RAIDBOT DISCORD PREMIUM 2024 BY HAPRAID SOWALKOUD Video youtube installation and presentation :https://streamable.com/s/0tdqh/nbkpmd Bot for raid server discord easely Bot pour raid des serveurs discord Spam webhook all channel, create massive channel, delete all channel, create massive role,...
Bot de raid para Discord con comandos básicos hecho en Javascript. Requerimientos: NodeJS Instalación Una vez instalado NodeJS en tu sistema, abrir el cmd en la carpeta de los archivos del bot y colocar "npm install". Esperar a que se instalen todos los módulos necesarios y encender el...
You will need your Discord Channel Name (from the previous step, Creating A Channel). In the example above, I called mine raidbot. This will go in the quotes replacingbot-commandsin the example. You will need to define a Discord role that can change raid settings etc. For this example ...
Raid-Helper is the best calendar bot for Discord! Gone are the days of using third-party websites to organize your events, you can do it all within Discord now!
•Discord Bot integration to invite friends • Custom Counters available for subscribers. • Add or Delete Pokemon fast • Custom Raid Simulations based on what your whole group is using • Data Points include Time, Time to win, TDO, Estimator, Deaths, and Deaths to Win. ...
•Discord Bot integration to invite friends • Custom Counters available for subscribers. • Add or Delete Pokemon fast • Custom Raid Simulations based on what your whole group is using • Data Points include Time, Time to win, TDO, Estimator, Deaths, and Deaths to Win. ...
为了创建你的 Discord 机器人(bot),你需要遵循以下步骤: 1. **安装 Node.js** - 如果你还没有安装 Node.js,可以在官方网站 https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/ 下载并安装 Node.js。 2. **创建 Discord 应用** - 在 https://discord.com/developers/applications 上创建一个应用。 - 转到 "Bot" 标签页并...