Welcome to our guide for the raid of Onyxia’s Lair! Unlike most other raid instances, Onyxia’s Lair is an extremely short raid, consisting of just a few trash mobs and a single boss. Despite being the only boss, the mighty dragon Onyxia should definite
To defeat the dragon that had been terrorizing the nearby village for weeks. With hearts pounding and adrenaline rushing through their veins, they set off into the darkness, determined to emerge victorious. As they made their way through the thick forest, they encou...
Alternatively, if you're tired of the campaign, you can switch it up with different game modes. TheMinotaur's Labyrinthalso gives a lot of experience, alongsideMastery Scrolls(used by Champions to progress in passive skill trees). TheDragon's Lairis another way to farm EXP. The max account...
Battle your way through the Fire Knight’s Castle, the Ice Golem’s Peak, the Spider’s Den, the Dragon’s Lair, and more. 1+ Million Builds Unlock a variety of Masteries and Blessings to build your team your way. Level up your Champions to complement each other and craft a strategy ...
After battling through the hordes of undead, mighty abominations, and corrupted fallen heroes, the fifth and final quarter of the raid is unlocked to our adventurers — the Frostwyrm Lair. The Lair is where the mighty dragon Sapphiron stands to test the intruders before allowing passage to Kel...
If you wish to raid with us in Classic WoW, read on to learn more about our raid team, goals for classic, and how to apply. Casuals are welcome to join without applying! LGBTQ friendly! OUR GOALS Clear content in a timely and efficient manner Begin raiding MC and Onyxia’s Lair no ...
LIFESTEAL 4 DUNGEON - Dragon's LairCAMPAIGN - Valdemar StraitMARKET DESTROY 4 DUNGEON - Dragon's LairCAMPAIGN - Deadlands FRENZY 4 DUNGEON - Fire Knight's Castle STUN 4 DUNGEON - Fire Knight's Castle IMMUNITY 4 DUNGEON - Fire Knight's Castle SAVAGE 4 DUNGEON - Fire Knight's Castle REGENER...
Patch 5.1.0(2012-11-27):Raid groups are no longer necessary to enter pre-Mists of Pandariaraid dungeons. Enemies in these raids that previously required more than one player to defeat are now more easily dealt with by players battling alone. ...
RaidWiki is a fansite for RAID: Shadow Legends hosting a complete database and guide for new and existing RAID players.
Team Builder (under development): Set and organize teams by area. Gear Simulator (under development): Save some silver by simulating gear changes and checking the final stats on your Champions before doing it in game. Area guides / Top Champions: Clan Boss Dragon’s Lair Ice Golem’s Peak ...