which means you can have up to 40 people in your raid group while inside. UnlikeMolten Core, Blackwing Lair is a noticeable step up in difficulty and will require more effort, gear, and coordination from the players in your raid. This also means that while you can run any comp you want...
Agree 100% with everything you said, with how many buffs there are and the fact that the new buffs are raid wide while the other stuff is still limited to group wide is frustrating for comp, and just doesn’t make sense. Hopefully the SoD team sees this and adds something to change i...
WoW is ancient. Everyone that is interested in WoW has pretty much already played it or are still paying it. Subs will continue to drop over time. They need a drastic change such as launching the game on Xbox/gamepass to reach a new audience. True, but they will only stick around if...