Welcome to our Zul’Gurub raid guide for WoW Classic! The troll-infested zone of Zul’Gurub is found within Stranglethorn Vale and serves as an excellent entry point for raiding. ZG is a 20 man raid and has a short 3 day lockout. Anyone above level 58 is
Although we still have to wait a while longer to see the Blizzard-certified phase release timeline, there’s no need to worry since your calendar will soon be packed with Tuskarr quests and heroic dungeon runs. Content release timeline Aug. 30 The global launch ofWrath of the Lich King Cla...
The % stands for the percent of attended raids possible for each individual so when a new player joins their percent starts at 100% and if they miss a raid their percent will go down. The M stands for missed (points) each time a player is not attending they get 1 point added to thei...
For example, clicking on Time will bring up Calendar, on Durability - your Character Info, on Spec - will change it to the secondary, mouseover on System - shows your addon list with the memory used, etc. There is a nice tab 'Currencies' where you may configure which currencies and ...
http://www.texasre.org/Lists/Calendar/Attachments/605/Item%204d%20-%20NERC%20CIPC%20Report%20to%20TRE%20MRC%20-%202013Jun14.pdf anonymous•January 3, 2014 1:42 AM The Boston Bombing was (Source Wikipedia), Apr 15 at 2:49 pm EDT = 11:49 am PDT; the attack on the power plant...
Although we still have to wait a while longer to see the Blizzard-certified phase release timeline, there’s no need to worry since your calendar will soon be packed with Tuskarr quests and heroic dungeon runs. Content release timeline