They’re immune to Crowd Control, and they periodically cast a flamestrike-type spell that creates fire spawn. Cleansers need to stay on them, and mages should cast nonstop blizzard in their area, while single-target attackers focus on the spawn, to prevent them dividing. If you’re ...
Azumarill, Garchomp, Iron Hands, Koraidon, and Miraidon are some of the strongest attackers you can bring into any Tera Raid Battle. Umbreon, Blissey, and Toxapex are similarly flexible when used as support Pokémon. Each of these Pokémon has access to moves like Belly Drum, Light Screen, ...
EX Raid Passes are handed out up to eight days in advance of a scheduled raid. Though it can be speculated that EX raid scheduling is determined by when the majority of players have participated in standard raids, players ultimately do not have control over the da...
As a Dark-type Pokémon, Absol is resistant to Psychic-, Ghost-, and Dark-type attacks. While Absol and Shadow Absol are considered decent Dark-type attackers, Mega Absol is one of the strongest offensive Dark types in Pokémon GO raids. This makes Mega Absol mega useful in five-star raid...
DMG +20%, gradually increases damage dealt by +3% for every 25% HP this Champion has. This set should give your attackers and nukers a little extra punch to take down Champions in one shot. Only available from Live Arena Chests. Resilience (2) - HP +10%. DEF +10%. Increases both ...
Both Attackers and Defenders will have to avoid getting too comfortable, or they could easily be flanked and lose their position. Watch for unusual opportunities like the runout hatch just outside Meeting Room, and you’ll find this map is made for creative strategies! Nighthaven Labs is ...
These bosses are one of the most vanilla Psychic-type bosses ever. Gone are the monster Focus Blasts and Shadow Balls from Mewtwo and Alakazam! The Trio’s moveset is perfectly suited to be hard countered by the standard Dark and Ghost-type counters to Psychic. Uxie takes 1.6x damage from...
In Pokémon Go, both Gyarados and Shadow Gyarados are among the top Water type attackers, so it's no surprise that Mega Gyarados is one of the top performers of both its types. So be sure to check out ourbest Pokémon Go accessoriesso you can be fully equipped for all the Mega Manec...
Mega Charizard X & Y are some of the bestRaid AttackersinPokemon GO. Before you canMega Evolveyour first Charizard, you’ll need to defeat them in aMega Raid. This guide containsthe best countersto use when fighting eitherMega Charizard XorMega CharizardYinPokémon GO....
[Freeze] debuffs, as it means any Champion who attacks them risks being taken out of play for a turn. It can be used with some tankier damage dealers, but it’s not a good Set for glass cannons or other easy-to-kill attackers, as the wearer benefits from being able to take a ...