The division of the day into eight parts for calculating Rahu Kaal is based on the concept of "Hora," where each planet rules over a specific period. Each day of the week is ruled by a different planet, and its corresponding Hora is calculated based on the division of the day into eigh...
Unlike the “bright planets” which can be viewed with the human eye or through a telescope, Rahu and Ketu do not have a visible form. They are calculated “points in space”, also called “nodes”. They are points of ecliptic where the plane of the Moon’s orbit intersects the planes ...
Nakshatra ofShani Shani makes the rules and Rahu breaks the rules (or ignores the rules or avoids the rules). Generally Rahu folk are unwelcome in Shani's fixed-role, orderly environments. Rahu tends to find Shani people as rather irrelevant in Rahu's opportunistic exploitations of chaotic or...