Rajisha Vijayan’s Madhura Manohara Moham is a poorly written half-satire 6/17/2023 by Cris The News Minute Rathinirvedam to Christy: The evolution of teenage-centric themes in Malayalam cinema 5/21/2023 by Cris The News Minute Asif Ali (III) ...
OneFormer (from SHI Labs) released with the paper OneFormer: One Transformer to Rule Universal Image Segmentation by Jitesh Jain, Jiachen Li, MangTik Chiu, Ali Hassani, Nikita Orlov, Humphrey Shi. OPT (from Meta AI) released with the paper OPT: Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models by...
She got bit one night and went a bit crazy, and literally bought a mosquito net, 35 euros worth of bug repellent/mosquito killer, and even had her mom send her this absolutely hilarious mosquite headmask she slept in on the nights she hadn’t mummified herself to prevent from getting bit...