rah-rah skirt (redirected fromrah-rah skirts) n (Clothing & Fashion) a variant spelling ofra-ra skirt Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The rah-rah (or ra-ra) skirt is a short flounced skirt that originated in cheerleading and became popular among teenage girls in the early 1980s. As such it marked, as the Oxford Dictionary noted, the first successful attempt to revive the mini-skirt that had been introduced in the mid ...
1 article(s) tagged with “Rah-Rah Skirt” Fashion 「啦啦隊裙」在今季強勢回歸!將這擁有荷葉邊細節的迷你裙款,打造出不同風格的造型 VOGUE EDITION HONG KONG © 2024 Condé Nast VOGUE HONG KONG (中文) FASHION RUNWAY LUXE BEAUTY CELEBRITY VOGUE MAN VOGUE LIVING VIDEO VOGUE HONG KONG ...
I was living in a feather-light facetious Disney world, in which other people (not just other kids but adults) roared with laughter when a mouse with a spluttering American accent drove a stream-roller over a cat, or when an elephant danced to light classical music in a frilly skirt....
Define rah-rah skirt. rah-rah skirt synonyms, rah-rah skirt pronunciation, rah-rah skirt translation, English dictionary definition of rah-rah skirt. n a variant spelling of ra-ra skirt Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition