One of the worst things you can ever do with a hero is to do something that gets them well and truly furious, because rage makes good guys unbeatable. They will go into a frenzy and become stronger, faster, braver, more agile and more indestructible than
The Rage: Regie: Robert Kurtzman Mit Andrew Divoff, Erin Brown, Ryan Hooks, Sean Serino A crazed scientist experiments with a rage virus on innocent victims in a laboratory in the woods. When his monstrous subjects escape and vultures devour their remain
by Wendy Mitchell - PopWatch Exclusive: Ten Questions for Filmmaker Sally Potter The movieRageopens to a black screen. The clicking sound of typing and the words "All the Rage" appear. A cursor hesitates before deleting the first two words. The wordRagefills the screen. The audience...
Alex Garland, who wrote The Beach novel which Boyle turned into a Leonardo DiCaprio headline-grabbing movie, 28 Days tells the story of a virus that creates a psychological rage in its victims.They are then likely to attack others in the vicinity and die very quickly after becoming infected....
The Rage: Dirigido por Robert Kurtzman. Con Andrew Divoff, Erin Brown, Ryan Hooks, Sean Serino. Un científico enloquecido experimenta con un virus de la ira en víctimas inocentes en un laboratorio en el bosque. Cuando escapan y los buitres devoran sus
It has been reported that glycolysis, the main route in the production of MG, is upregulated in SARS-CoV-2-infected cells to provide the substrate required for the virus replication [35,36]. Hence, it would be possible that also this metabolic route may contribute to S1-induced MG/MG-H1...