Why not make a rag rug! Rag rugs are a great way to recycle old materials, and they are really easy to make. So gather up your old clothes and get ready to create something new! What Is a Rag Rug What is a rag rug? Rag rugs are fabric scraps, so they are a great way to use...
She also published another beautiful book called Twist and Twine: 18 Ideas for Rag Rugs and Home Decor. Pin it! Step 1: make an adjustable DIY loom! We made a super simple loom which you will see. There are also some nice weaving looms you can buy on Amazon, like this one below ...
I have long loved these rag rugs, but once I see the price tag I move away from them quickly. I finally decided to make one! Here’s what you’ll need if you want to make your own Rag Rug: 1 rollie pollie of Riley Blake Fabric 4 yards of some plain coordination fabric (I think...
Rugs made from strips of cloth existed well before factories began producing cheap fabric, but not in anything like the same quantity. Even in quite poor households, rag bags of the 1800s were filling up with old clothes and scraps left over from dress-making. In the factories, there were...
I used to sit with her and tear fabric into strips, then sew them end to end and roll them into a big ball. She would then proceed to crochet rag rugs with her well worn wooden hook. 45 years later, I still have the little rug I made with her. And when she passed away at age...
Making Rag Rugs, a collection of 15 original designs from a variety of talented rug crafters, suits the skills of any crafter, from the rawest beginner to the most sophisticated talent.This book shows how to utilize such simple recycled ingredients as leftover fabric, old clothes, and ...
For rugs that are ⅜” or ½” thick, it is best to choose the larger size bag due to the bulk of the material. It is important that you follow all the pre-cutting steps to keep your rug intact. The rugs are made from recycled fabrics that are woven together and secured with mu...
Rugs made of cloth would generally stand up to being washed in a tub if they were small enough. Bigger ones could be rinsed through in a creek or stream. In Finland andSweden there is a tradition of washing rag rugsin summer in the nearest lake or river. Some Finnish women used to fr...
Best of all, since my grandmother’s rugs are made from inexpensive cotton, synthetic or blended fabric scraps, they don’t cost much to make, and they’re washable! To begin, gather a pile of fabric scraps. Cut these scraps and rags — on either the lengthwise or crosswise grain — in...
It is easy to do just one of those things you almost have to see to understand. I think we might do some more on rag rugs because there seems to be such an interest it. For you beginners too you don’t have to start out with a rug. You can use these these same things to ...