|EVOR: Evolving Retrieval for Code Generation 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.12317v2 代码地址:https://arks-codegen.github.io/ 检索增强生成(RAG)技术无需额外训练即可与大语言模型(LLM)无缝集成,已在代码生成领域展现出应用潜力。然而,当前的检索增强代码生成(RACG)系统多依赖于单一类型的静态知识源,...
生成SQL 的模型方面,我们可以根据客户需求,选择 Bedrock 提供的业界翘楚的商业化模型(如:Claude),也可以选择在亚马逊云科技机器学习基础设施平台 Amazon SageMaker 上部署 code generation 的开源模型(如:SQLCoder/CodeLlama)。 如果客户没有太多 LLM 技术栈的积累,及足够的算法工程师团队,那么 Amazon Bedrock 是一个...
GitHub Codespaces は、 Visual Studio Code for the Web をユーザー インターフェイスとして使用して、GitHub によって管理される開発コンテナーを実行します。 最も簡単な開発環境では、GitHub Codespaces を使用して、この記事を完了するために正しい開発者ツールと依存関係がプレイン...
For instance, in a software company,Product Managers analyze competition and user needs to create Product Requirements Documents(PRDs) using a standardized structure, to guide the developmental process.Inspired by such ideas, we design a promising GPT -based Meta -Programming framework calledMetaGPT ...
Deploy agentsto production with native support for token streaming and request/response logging, plus a built-in review app to get user feedback for your agent. Agent tracinglets you log, analyze, and compare traces across your agent code to debug and understand how your agent responds to requ...
Learning to Retrieve In-Context Examples for Large Language Models Paper Code EACL Reliable, Adaptable, and Attributable Language Models with Retrieval Paper arXiv 2023Active Retrieval Augmented Generation Paper Code EMNLP Architecture ⭐ REPLUG: Retrieval-Augmented Black-Box Language Models Paper ar...
Stable cell line generation For the generation of monoclonal stable lines expressing HA-tagged Rag GTPases (WT, mutants and chimaeras), HEK293FT qKO cells were transfected using the indicated Rag dimer expression vectors. Forty-eight hours post-transfection, cells were selected with 2 μg ml...
rag = LightRAG( working_dir=WORKING_DIR, llm_model_func=ollama_model_complete, # Use Ollama model for text generation llm_model_name='your_model_name', # Your model name llm_model_kwargs={"options": {"num_ctx": 32768}}, # Use Ollama embedding function embedding_func=EmbeddingFunc(...
生成SQL 的模型方面,我们可以根据客户需求,选择 Bedrock 提供的业界翘楚的商业化模型(如:Claude),也可以选择在 Amazon 机器学习基础设施平台 SageMaker 上部署 code generation 的开源模型(如:SQLCoder/CodeLlama)。 如果客户没有太多 LLM 技术栈的积累,及足够的算法工程师团队,那么 Amazon Bedrock 是一个较好...
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is an alternative to fine-tuning, keeping inference data isolated from a model’s corpus. We want to keep our inference data and model separated—but we also want a choice in which large language model (LLM) we use and a powerful GPU for efficiency. ...