Balboa Island is also whereRaftplayers will find the blueprints for a biofuel system, and honey is essential for refining biofuel. Luckily, players don't have to wait for evergreen islands to get more honey, because it's possible to raise bees and collect honeycomb without leaving the raft. ...
Find And Catch Some Bees Crafting a beehive inRaftis very straightforward but first, you need some bees to populate that beehive. For that, you need to get to an island with plenty of bees and honeycombs on it. You need to progress the main storyuntil you reach the Vasagatan shipwreck....
How to obtain Titanium using this method: Make a metal detector with 12 plastic, 6 scrap, and 1 battery. Make sure you bring a shovel so you can dig up your buried treasure. The metal detector will flash green when you are near the treasure. If you find a suitcase or a safe, there...
This is how much Max stresses over me. We’ve had some rain which means the grass grows insanely fast. I find myself mowing every week, front and back. Then I have to rake it all up. I have almost 3/4 of an acre, that’s a lot of grass to rake. If I don’t rake it, th...
Entering the mouth of the cavern, I craned my neck to the high ceiling. There were stalactites as thick as tree trunks and several feet long. “How the hell did you find this?” I asked. * * * Their journey began at Phillip Lehman’s stately home on the island’s breezy north coas...