Battery Charger Blueprint To craft this Blueprint, you must head over to Caravan Island and craft it at the mayor’s office. However, before doing so, you must collect threeBattery Charger Parts, with each part collected from Caravan Island. Once the parts are collected and the Blueprint is...
There are6 blueprintsto find: one for the Metal Detector, one for the Firework, one for the Zipline, one for the Zipline Tool, one for theBattery Chargerand one for the Engine Controls. You need to find 3 zipline parts to be able to get to the Infirmary and the Mayor’s house whi...
From gathering battery charger or zipline parts to unlocking the Mayor's Chest, here's a complete guide to Caravan Town in Raft. ByPaul Kelly Jul 17, 2022 Raft: Balboa Island Walkthrough Make sure you ace your adventure through Balboa Island with this Raft guide. ...
Finding spotlight parts inRaftis essential for moving forward on Varuna Point. The trouble is, there’s pretty much no indication where to look and a lot of ocean to explore. Where do you find spotlight parts in Raft? You need four spotlight parts to repair the spotlight and gain access t...
Semih: Automating is always fun. Since we now have a battery charger, there is no limit to electrical machines. Will there be more DevInsight videos? Cause I really love them! Im watching them over and over again to fall asleep!by xByNilzz#5157 ...