Science - NGSS - (Next Generation Science Standards, USA) 社会研究-航空标准-(College, Career, and Civic Life) World Language - ACTFL - (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) 视觉艺术- AERO -(American Education Reaches Out, USA)) 音乐(或表演艺术)- NCCAS - (National Coalitio...
Raffles American School Bangkok【官方网站】 【招生年级】 EY1~G12,2-18岁 【学校简介】 RAS坐落在郁郁葱葱的绿色植物和现代的露天设计中,凉爽的微风和自然的阳光补充了学习环境,提高了学生的注意力。 我们的经验丰富的认证教师为每个学生发展个人学习路径,培养创造力和领导能力。我们的教师...
Raffles now belongs irrevocably to the ‘cohorts of the damned’. He can still commit successful burglaries, but there is no way back into Paradise, which means Piccadilly and the M.C.C. According to the public-school code there is only one means of rehabilitation: death in battle. Raffles...