(for which I still have an ever-present fondness), I pursued a BSc. in Computer Engineering at UAL, with a focus on security and networks. There, I developed a low-cost firewall using a Raspberry Pi, supervised by Dr. Mário Marques da Silva, President of the Sciences and Technology ...
Hugo Marques, Aline Pires e Luiz Bernardi vencem na Copa Striker´s House 59 Com telão com transmissão simultânea do UFC em Londres, evento que marcou a volta de Anderson Silva, após suspensão por doping, a Copa Striker´s House realizou a edição de número 59 em Curitib...
约伊尔森( Joilson Rodrigues Macedo) 拉斐尔·马克斯( Rafael Marques Pinto) 法比奥·桑托斯( Fabio Santos Romeu…www.1soccer.com|基于3个网页 2. 宾度 R.宾度(Rafael Marques Pinto)C.希华顿(Heverton Cardoso da Silva) S.希达(Helder Silva Santos) 马里奥(Mario Figueira Fernan…info.zgzcw.com|基于1 ...
With a little help from Jorge Marques (https://github.com/gastmaier) now we can push strings to be sent to the Serial port. These strings can be prepared/customized on any HTML freeboard widget on BIPES IoT tab. Note that we can use this to send pre-defined serial messages to any ser...