Subtitled Public consists of an empty exhibition space where visitors are detected by a computerised surveillance system. When people enter the space, the system generates a subtitle for each person and projects it onto him or her: the subtitle is chosen at random from a list of all the verbs...
An essential guide to a deeper understanding of the themes that connect these technically sophisticated and emotionally resonant works, this book draws on the idea of an “unstable presence” to communicate the humanity and the anxiety that lie at the center of Lozano-Hemmer’s art. Hardcover: ...
《双》是由两个巨大的立式高清显示屏组成的装置作品。每个显示屏都配备一台计算机,内部运行着流体动力学方程,并产生一种似乎处在“蒸发”状态中的字符湍流。左边的代码包含流感嗜血杆菌细菌的完整遗传密码,这是第一个拥有整个基因组的自由生物体,有 180 万个碱基对;而
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Collider,Parrish Art Museum Water Mill, New York, United States Lecture atStorytelling Through Sound: A Conversation with Alexander Shelley and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer January 29th - January 29th, 2025 Artis – Naples, The Baker Museum ...
⭕|人与人|Rafael Lozano-hemmer ⭕一种旨在实时置换公众形象的装置,可为展示和相互渗透提供平台。这件作品包括将公众的阴影投射到墙上的落地式投影仪,以及在阴影内投射图像的另一套悬挂式投影仪。 当人们...
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Collider,Parrish Art Museum Water Mill, New York, United States Lecture atStorytelling Through Sound: A Conversation with Alexander Shelley and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer January 29th - January 29th, 2025 Artis – Naples, The Baker Museum ...
⭕|水上呼唤|Rafael Lozano-hemmer ⭕“水上呼唤”是一个喷泉,在空中用从水盆中升起的蒸汽羽在空中写词。墨西哥作家奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Paz)撰写了数十首诗,描述了可读的空气。诗的内容短暂地变得有形...
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is a media artist who creates platforms for public participation using technologies such as robotic lights, digital fountains, computerized surveillance, media walls, and telematic networks. He was the first artist to represent Mexico at the Venice Biennale with an exhibition at ...
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Collider (curated by: Corinne Erni), Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, New York, United States, October 13th - November 2nd 2025. Rafael Lozano Hemmer: Remote Pulse (curated by: Jordan Karney Chaim), Institute of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, California, United...
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer 作品由UAP现场制作和安装。它采用了复杂的制作方法,树干和树枝均由不锈钢手工制作。3.6英里的以太网电缆通过树枝传输,并安装了单独的扬声器和照明元件。UAP全程参与了项目的设计开发、制造和安装过程。