Ranks & Decorations AC2 ACom AFC AFM BEM CBE CGM DCM DFC DFM DSO F/Lt F/O F/Sgt G/Cpt KIA LAC MIA OBE P/O POW S/Ldr Sgt W/Cdr W/O WIARemembering Cy GrantRemembering Cy Grant, obituary by Kurt Barling Blue Plaque commemorating Cy Grant unveiled in Highgate, 10 November 2017 ...
Many WW2 veterans did the same. I’ve always been moved at Winston Churchill’s statement about the RAF fliers; that…”never has so much been owed to so few.” In Andy Rooney’s book, My War I got a real glimpse of the courage it took for the fliers to get back in their planes...
Ranks & Decorations AC2 ACom AFC AFM BEM CBE CGM DCM DFC DFM DSO F/Lt F/O F/Sgt G/Cpt KIA LAC MIA OBE P/O POW S/Ldr Sgt W/Cdr W/O WIARemembering Cy GrantRemembering Cy Grant, obituary by Kurt Barling Blue Plaque commemorating Cy Grant unveiled in Highgate, 10 November 2017 ...
A record of West Indian volunteers who served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World WarAbout us This site is an initiative of Cy Grant and Hans Klootwijk based on initial research done by Cy Grant for his own war memoir ‘A member of the RAF of Indeterminate Race‘. Cy came ...
Ranks: Aircraftman, Second Class on enlistment, 25 June 1941; promoted to Leading Aircraftman, 28 September 1941; promoted to Sergeant, 14 February 1942; commissioned as Pilot Officer, 16 March 1942; promoted to Flying Officer, 1 October 1942. ...
Ranks & Decorations AC2 ACom AFC AFM BEM CBE CGM DCM DFC DFM DSO F/Lt F/O F/Sgt G/Cpt KIA LAC MIA OBE P/O POW S/Ldr Sgt W/Cdr W/O WIA Remembering Cy Grant Remembering Cy Grant, obituary by Kurt Barling Blue Plaque commemorating Cy Grant unveiled in Highgate, 10 November 2017 ...
Ranks & Decorations AC2 ACom AFC AFM BEM CBE CGM DCM DFC DFM DSO F/Lt F/O F/Sgt G/Cpt KIA LAC MIA OBE P/O POW S/Ldr Sgt W/Cdr W/O WIARemembering Cy GrantRemembering Cy Grant, obituary by Kurt Barling Blue Plaque commemorating Cy Grant unveiled in Highgate, 10 November 2017 ...
Caribbean Roll of Honour Check out the Caribbean Roll of Honour , an initiative by Jerome Lee of the Chaguaramas Military History & Aerospace Museum in Trinidad. [www.caribbeanrollofhonour-ww1-ww2.yolasite.com] Youth in Aviation – a Tuskegee Airmen Program...
Caribbean aircrew in the RAF during WW2 A record of West Indian volunteers who served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War WEEKES – Arthur O’Brien Flying Officer Arthur O. Weeks, from Barbados, and Flight Sergeant Collins A. Joseph of Trinidad, photographed while serving as ...
[Source: www.WW2chat.com] 1 Addition » Jamaica One addition to “HAMILTON – John Leopold” Philip Reinders adds: I am looking for any Jamaican RAF crew members missing in 1943?, are there any other then John Hamilton? Was the Jamaica shoulder title only worn by soldiers born in Ja...