.Chorley’s Bomber Command LossesRAF Bomber Command: Losses of the Second World War .Luftwaffe Nightfighter combat claims 1939-1945by John Foreman, Johannes Matthews and Simon Parry More books Since it started in 2008 this website has... ...
New Book! Royal Air Force Squadron Losses: 1st January 1921 – 31st December 1930 May 14, 2022 webmaster Awards Database AwardsData Awards Totals for WW2 for the Air Forces. July 8, 2022 webmaster ArticlesAwards Flt Lt Krishna Dandeker (177755) Air Gunner and WOP – DFC ...
The losses and dangers were extreme. To illustrate just how dangerous this was, Albie said “we lost a 151 pilots flying this thing (Typhoons), on Operation Market Garden alone, in just one single day we lost 21 pilots on Typhoons”. Combat was brutal in its simplicity, according to Albie...
In October 1942, he was assigned to the 346th Fighter Squadron and flew the P-39 interceptor. In March 1943, he was transferred to the 345th Fighter Squadron of the 350th Fighter Group in North Africa and Italy, to replace pilot losses. He stayed with the 345th “Devil Hawks” and ...
We had a number of losses and a number landed else where. On 19 September F/O Thomas came as my 2nd Pilot to Stettin. P/O Pearson was my Navigator. He was a Canadian and a first class person in all respects. His astro-navigation was spot on. We took excellent photographs of the ...
(See: Chorley’s Bomber Command Losses Vol. 7 page 221) 6 crew killed. [Source: www.WW2chat.com] 1 Addition » Jamaica One addition to “HAMILTON – John Leopold” Philip Reinders adds: I am looking for any Jamaican RAF crew members missing in 1943?, are there any other then ...