The main body of this site consists of a list of names of aircrew that are known to us. The names are accessible either by country of origin, rank or decoration or by entering a name in the search-box. Each entry offers the option to add a comment.Here you can submit your information...
Caribbean aircrew in the RAF during WW2A record of West Indian volunteers who served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World WarBARROW – Errol Walton 1383402 – E.W. Barrow – Barbados – Ach/W.Op/A.G. – attested 31.12.40 [Source: NA AIR 2/6876 – Nominal Roll of Coloured...
There was a Mess party going on so I met nearly all rthe aircrew which included one or two I had met at OTU Abingdon. One of the pilots was an American named Sherman*. I do not recall his first name which is a pity because I had known him well at Abingdon and we became firm ...
Caribbean aircrew in the RAF during WW2A record of West Indian volunteers who served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World WarHUNTER – Robert Cyril Adair J3754 – P/O – MBK – RCAF – POW #1633, Stalag Luft III [Sources: RCAF Casuality list 0058, Ross’ POW list, courtesy...
Many WW2 veterans did the same. I’ve always been moved at Winston Churchill’s statement about the RAF fliers; that…”never has so much been owed to so few.” In Andy Rooney’s book, My War I got a real glimpse of the courage it took for the fliers to get back in their planes...
Page: Hope this helps Kelvin May 28th, 2014 at 11:25 pm Terrence Etienne adds: Mr. Ben Eustice is absolutely correct the gentleman, right back row, is my uncle F/O. Hugh Terence Etienne 129058 RAFVR. I sent a copy of the picture to ...
It attempted to provide a much-needed sketch of the contribution of RAF ground and aircrew from Jamaica, giving stories of recounted to me by a few surviving veterans belonging to the RAFA here in Kingston. I threaded by uncle’s service into the whole thing. I think you might need to ...
Unlike many black aircrew members who reported encountering no racism or prejudice in the RAF, Owen seems to have been very unlucky in his Commanding Officer. His experiences were recorded in Lest We Forget: The Experiences of World War II Westindian Personnel by Robert N. Murray (Hansib, 199...
Caribbean aircrew in the RAF during WW2 A record of West Indian volunteers who served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War Books . . Caribbean Volunteers At War–RAF’s answer to the Tuskegee Airmen This is a portrait of more than 495 Caribbean and West African volunteers who...
James Mansfield Hall came from Jamaica, where his father was the Assistant Director of Medical Services. He had completed seventy-two operations with 180 Squadron, as an air gunner in their Mitchell bombers, when he was detailed to fly a mission to bomb the marshalling yards at Bocholt, on ...