步骤1:添加 DialogService 首先,确保你的 Blazor 项目已经添加了 Blazor.Radzen DialogService。你可以通过 NuGet 包管理器或手动导入相关文件来添加该服务。 步骤2:创建对话框 在需要显示对话框的页面或组件中,使用 DialogService 创建对话框。你可以根据需要设置对话框的标题、内容和按钮等属性。
Radzen has a MessageBox/Confirm/Dialog component that can be used to display short messages to the user or to make the user confirm an action (e.g. "Do you really want to delete XYZ?"). Another feature that would be very helpful is an "Input Box" component. Simply by invoking a meth...
This means two razor page : Actions.razor et FormActions.razor When I'm in page suiviBeId = 1002 and the whole ActionsItems I want to edit one ActionsItemId in modal dialog. To acces to this modal diolag I've put an edit button. The modal dialog is placed in FormActions.razor ...
for the dialog. Not super well versed in blazor but can do a PR if this is desirableContributor Author vflame commented Feb 17, 2021 PR: #52 enchev closed this as completed Feb 17, 2021 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to commen...