Radon in Drinking Water: Is There a Health Riskdoi:AWWA ACE931371991年7月18日,美国环境保护局(USEPA)提议对饮用水中的氡进行监管.在就拟议规则提交的600多套评论中,大多数集中在氡上.关于氡的MCL提案,意见分歧很大.许多评论人士认为,美国环保局对饮用水中氡的健康风险估计被夸大了.美国环保局辩称,饮用水...
F135 ReducingRadoninDrinkingWater PaulD.Robillard,AssistantProfessor,AgriculturalEngineering WilliamE.Sharpe,Professor,ForestHydrology BryanR.Swistock,ExtensionAssociate S incethelate1980s,radonhasbecomea highlypublicizedhealththreat.This naturallyoccurringradioactivegashas seepedoutoftheearth’scrustandintothe ...
combining information about occurrence, transport, exposure and health effects of radon from drinking water, it has been estimated that over a period of 70 years, between 5000 and 50,000 lung cancer fatalities are caused by inhalation of natural radon gas released from US public drinking water ...
Radon gas is considered as a main risk factor for lung cancer and found naturally in rock, soil, and water. The objective of this study was to determine the radon level in the drinking water sources in Nablus city in order to set up a sound policy on water management in Palestine. This...
Risk Assessment of Radon in Drinking Water. 1st edn, 59–104 (National Academies Press, 1999). National Research Council. Health Effects of Exposure to Radon : BEIR VI. 1st edn, 117–128 (National Academies Press, 1999). Lv, H., Dong, J., Zhang, C. & Zhang, S. DNA damage in ...
There are two pathways through which people are exposed to radon in water, from ingestion (drinking) of water, and indirectly, from the inhalation of radon and its daughter elements resulting from the decay of radon released during the use of water by a household. Exposure to indoor radon and...
Radoncan enter the body by inhalation, ingestion of drinking water and food containing high concentrations of radon, and through dermal exposure. The largest radiation doses received from radon exposure occur in the organs at the point of entry; however, a fraction of consumed radon and its deca...
We explore the use of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) as a mitigation technique for the treatment of drinking water that was artificially enriched with Rn-222 in laboratory by placing a radium rich granite stone (pitchblende) in a closed container filled
In radon drinking therapies, patients drink mineral water therapies with high radon concentrations. Radon absorption occurs via the gastrointestinal tract. Indications and contraindications of radon therapy Indications It is believed that intake of a limited amount of radon benefits health by alleviating au...
(i.e. less populated) communities being more likely to use tobacco, earn less income, be exposed to different and/or higher amounts of environmental lung carcinogens throughout life, and have reduced access to health care and/or higher education40,41,42. In the context of radon exposure, ...