Radon and risk of cancer Epidemiological studies after occupational and domestic exposure: : Tirmarche, M., 1995: Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique 43(5): 451-460: All of the 128 Sorghum bicolor F1 hybrids derived from crosses of male-sterile M2 plants (mutants of R473 induced by...
Radon is estimated to cause between 3% and 14% of all lung cancers, depending on the average radon level in a country. 根据一个国家中的平均氡水平, 氡估计造成所有肺癌的 3%至 14%。 Radon is much more likely to cause lung cancer in people who smoke, and is the primary cause of lung ca...
Risk FactorsDose-Response Relationship, RadiationAdultChildThis article reviews the epidemiological evidence for the hypothesis that radon causes a significant proportion of childhood leukaemia and adult myeloid leukaemia. Links have been suggested with prostate cancer in men, and childhood leukaemia in the...
Radon and the risk of cancer mortality--internal Poisson models for the German uranium miners cohort. Uranium mining occurred between 1946 and 1990 at the former Wismut mining company in East Germany. 58,987 male former employees form the largest single ura... L Walsh,F Dufey,A Tschense,.....
摘要: Radon is the second cause of lung cancer in the general population, after smoking. Epidemiological studies have provided convincing evidence of an association between indoor radon exposure and lung cancer, even at the relatively low radon levels commonly found in residential buildings....
Bibliographic information Citing and recommended articles Recommended articles No articles found. Cited by () This article has not been cited. Related reference work articles No articles found. Applications and tools Workspace No content has been selected.ELSEVIERLung Cancer...
Indoor radon is a common source of problems related to public safety and health. It endangers human health and is one of the major causes of lung cancer. I
Nonlinear dose–response relationship between radon exposure and the risk of lung cancer 氡暴露与肺癌风险的非线性剂量反应关系 相关领域 医学 荟萃分析 优势比 置信区间 肺癌 相对风险 标准化死亡率 子群分析 内科学 队列研究 肿瘤科 网址 https://doi.org/10.1097/cej.0000000000000066 ...
Epidemiological evidence of lung cancer risk from radon is based mainly on studies of men employed underground in mines where exposures are relatively high in comparison to indoor exposure. Nevertheless, direct evidence of risk from residential radon is desirable. In 1990, a study was started compris...
Case-control study of residential radon and lung cancer in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. education, no increase in the relative risk for any of the histologic types of observed among the cases was detected in relation to cumulative exposure ... Létourneau E. G,D Krewski,NW Choi,... - 《Am...