Comware7 Device: Domain and line configuration Next, configure an isp domain (in this example, the default domain system is updated) to use the radius server for administrative logins. Backup authentication is set to none in this example. domain system authentication login radius-scheme nps none ...
authentication-mode schemeuser privilege level 3idle-timeout 30 5protocol inbound ssh#irf-port 2/1port group interface GigabitEthernet2/0/49#irf-port 2/2port group interface GigabitEthernet2/0/50#return<Val> 0 Kudos 5 REPLIES akg7 HPE Pro 03-25-2021 09:50 AM Re: Impo...
authentication-mode schemeuser privilege level 3idle-timeout 30 5protocol inbound ssh#irf-port 2/1port group interface GigabitEthernet2/0/49#irf-port 2/2port group interface GigabitEthernet2/0/50#return<Val> 0 Kudos 5 REPLIES akg7 HPE Pro 03-25-2021 09:50 AM ...
authentication-mode schemeuser-role network-adminuser-role network-operator#line vty 5 15authentication-mode noneuser-role network-operator#line vty 16 63user-role network-operator 1 person had this problem. 0 Kudos 6 REPLIES Ivan_B HPE Pro 04-09-2020 07:36 AM Re: Radius ...
authentication-mode schemeuser-role network-adminuser-role network-operator#line vty 5 15authentication-mode noneuser-role network-operator#line vty 16 63user-role network-operator 1 person had this problem. 0 Kudos 6 REPLIES Ivan_B HPE Pro 04-09-2020 07:36 AM Re: Radius ...
authentication-mode schemeuser-role network-adminuser-role network-operator#line vty 5 15authentication-mode noneuser-role network-operator#line vty 16 63user-role network-operator 1 person had this problem. 0 Kudos 6 REPLIES Ivan_B HPE Pro 04-09-2020 07:36 AM Re: Radius ...
authentication-mode schemeuser-role network-adminuser-role network-operator#line vty 5 15authentication-mode noneuser-role network-operator#line vty 16 63user-role network-operator 1 person had this problem. 0 Kudos 6 REPLIES Ivan_B HPE Pro 04-09-2020 07:36 AM Re: Radius ...
User-view is for certaind commads like 'display', 'reset...' etc and in general is for observation only. System-view is for configuration. Logging in with the user name whos privilege level is '3' does not bring you to the 'system-view' directly. I am an HPE employee...
radius scheme RADIUSprimary authentication key simple Test!primary accounting key simple Test!user-name-format without-domain --- domain systemauthentication login radius-scheme RADIUS localauthorization login radius-scheme RADIUS localauthentication default radius-scheme RADIUS localauthoriza...
HP v1910 - can't choose RADIUS scheme in AAA Hello. According to HP 1910 Switch Series User Guide-R1511 after configuring RADIUS scheme you should be able to choose this scheme in AAA (page 365). Unfortunately, in my case "Name" drop-down list is empty. ---SchemeName : system In...