Observations of the surface of Mercury reveal many dozens of fault escarpments that record an episode of global contraction early in the planet's history. There is no evidence for global expansion. Homogeneous accretion models for Mercury involving heating and core formation predict significant global...
Experimental/ Mercury (planet)stellar dimensionsSun/ solar-radius variationsMercury transitssolar diskinternal contact timingsAD 1631 to 1973systematic observational errorssunspot-number variationserror sourcesAnalyzes the internal contact timings for transits of Mercury across the solar disk during 1631-1973. ...
The late stage of planet formation is dominated by giant impacts. There is evidence for giant impacts on several planets in the solar system, including Mercury, which may have suffered a catastrophic impact event that changed its bulk density. We present the results of smoothed particle hydrodynami...
Mercury's core has a radius that is proportionally larger compared to its overall size than any other planet in our solar system. It makes up about 85% of the planet's radius. How was the radius of Mercury's core determined? The radius of Mercury's core was determined through a combinat...
The radius valley (or gap) in the observed distribution of exoplanet radii, which separates smaller super-Earths from larger sub-Neptunes, is a key feature that theoretical models must explain. Conventionally, it is interpreted as the result of the loss of primordial hydrogen and helium (H/He...
What is your weight in newtons on planet X?Acceleration due to gravity:When the object is allowed to fall then it is attracted towards the earth and the velocity of the object increases at a constant rate and that constant rate is kno...
Thelargest moon in the solar system is Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter. Ganymede is larger than the planet Mercury, and it is the only moon known to have its own magnetic field. The existence of moons as large as Ganymede raises an interesting question: Can moons have moons of the...
Given that the radius of Mercury is roughly 1/3 that of the Earth, find the mass of Mercury in terms of the mass of the Earth. What would be the weight of a 1.0-kg mass on the surface of Mars? The mass of Mars is 0.11 ...
What is the radial acceleration (m/s) of mercury if the orbital period is 88 days and orbit radius is 5.79 \times 10^7? An orbiting satellite stays over a certain spot on the equator of (rotating) Jupiter. What is the altitude of the orbit (called a "synchron...
Analysis of images obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft during its three flybys of Mercury yields a new estimate for the planet's mean radius of 2439.25卤0.69 km, in agreement with results from Mariner 10 and Earth-based observations, as well as with MESSENGER altimeter and occultation data. ...