World War II: total destruction of Hiroshima, JapanTotal destruction of Hiroshima, Japan, following the dropping of the first atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945. Nuclear weapons produce enormous explosive energy. Their significance may best be appreciated by the coining of the wordskiloton(1,000 ton...
World War II: total destruction of Hiroshima, JapanTotal destruction of Hiroshima, Japan, following the dropping of the first atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945.(more) Nuclear weapons produce enormous explosive energy. Their significance may best be appreciated by the coining of the words kiloton (...
Trident missile, American-made submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that succeeded the Poseidon and Polaris missiles in the 1980s and ’90s. It is the sole strategic-range nuclear weapon of the United Kingdom and constitutes the sea-based leg of t