例如,可以添加Active Directory用户组作为条件。只有属于指定Windows组的用户才会在此策略下进行身份验证。 在NPS下,选择Policies。 右键单击Network Policy并创建新策略。 确保已选择Grant access单选按钮。 从Type of network access server下拉列表中,选择Unspecified。
选择IBM Security Gateway for RADIUS。 下载该应用程序。 在目标 Windows 系统上抽取IBMSecurityGatewayforRADIUS_version.zip文件。 必须先安装 Windows Visual Studio 2017 64 位可再分发软件包,然后才能安装此产品。 如果没有,此产品将无法运行。 如果尚未安装,那么将在您运行setup_radius.exe文件时安装。
网络策略服务器 (NPS) 一文提供了有关为 AD 域身份验证配置 Windows RADIUS 服务器 (NPS) 的指导。 创建VPN 网关 在此步骤中,你将为虚拟网络配置和创建虚拟网络网关。 有关身份验证和隧道类型的更完整信息,请参阅本文 Azure 门户版本中的指定隧道和身份验证类型。 -GatewayType 必须是“Vpn”,且 -VpnType 必...
落实这一前提可以说成本高昂,而且难以实现。此外,本地的 IAM 基础架构主要集中在 Windows 系统,由微软 Active Directory(AD)充当核心的身份提供程序(IdP)。AD 也提供了基于 RADIUS 的辅助功能——名为 Windows Server Network Policy Server (网络策略服务器,Windows NPS)的服务器。然而,很多 IT 企业都打算...
本文檔介紹如何配置自適應安全裝置(ASA)以使用RADIUS協定與Microsoft Windows 2008網路策略伺服器(NPS)通訊,以便按照Active Directory對舊版Cisco VPN客戶端/AnyConnect/無客戶端WebVPN使用者進行身份驗證。NPS是Windows 2008 Server提供的伺服器角色之一。它等效於Windows 2003 Server,即IAS(Internet身份驗...
To configure RADIUS authentication, install the Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication Server on a Windows server. If you have an Active Directory environment, the server should be joined to the domain inside the network. Use the following procedure to configure the Microsoft Entra multifactor auth...
Windows native VPN client Mac (macOS) native VPN client Next steps To connect to a virtual network over point-to-site (P2S), you need to configure the client device that you'll connect from. This article helps you create and install the VPN client configuration for RADIUS certificate authenti...
Since Windows Authentication for terminal services isn't supported for Server 2012 R2, use RD Gateway and RADIUS to integrate with MFA Server. Install the Microsoft Entra Multifactor Authentication Server on a separate server, which proxies the RADIUS request back to the NPS on the Remote Desktop...
To simplify the configuration, users use the 802.1X client on Windows to perform certificate authentication and access the network. Additionally, user accounts are maintained on the AD server. Figure 2-60 Networking diagram for configuring 802.1X authentication for Windows clients (RADIUS server and ...
To simplify the configuration, users use the 802.1X client on Windows to perform certificate authentication and access the network. Additionally, user accounts are maintained on the AD server. Figure 2-61 Networking diagram for configuring 802.1X authentication for Windows clients (RADIUS server and ...