Radium was discovered (1898) byPierre Curie,Marie Curie, and an assistant, G. Bémont, after Marie Curie observed that theradioactivityofpitchblendewas four or five times greater than that of theuraniumit contained and was not fully explained on the basis of radioactivepolonium, which she had ...
YtterbiumPlatinumPoloniumProtactinium LutetiumGoldAstatineUranium HafniumIridiumRadonTerbium TantalumMercury Put your understanding of this concept to test by answering a few MCQs. Click ‘Start Quiz’ to begin! Select the correct answer and click on the “Finish” button ...
Pierre and Marie Curie couldn’t isolate a sufficiently large quantity of polonium to measure its atomic weight or to obtain the spectral signature. Today, we know that only about 6 nanograms were isolated, beyond any method of measurability available at the time; however, measuring its “radio...
Radium, and other radio-active substances; polonium, actinium, and thorium. . . . 8vo. viii, 72pp., adverts. Frontispiece and text illustrations. New York: Van Nostrand . . . , 1903. 230 x 150 mm. Original cloth, gilt, very slight traces of wear. Fine copy. Author's presentation ...