I bought the below RCA AM/FM Bakelite in 1976 back in college at Syracuse Univ from a frat auction for about $11. Its AM tuned RF stage helped bring in WOLF 1490, a low powered AM on the other side of town. RCA gave names to their radios back in the 1950s. This one was called...
The use of colorful plastics, glass, chrome and woods in clocks was similar to methods used in radio designs. Browse through many clocks from the 1930s to the 1950s from the collection. And now included are barometers, themometers, signs and other interesting collectibles. NEW: OTR Radio ...
Stone Vintage Radio describes early radio from Marconi to the 1960s. Its covers antique radio, wireless, tubes, valves, crystal sets, and battery radios. Included in the virtual museum are hundreds of pictures, images, and descriptions of antique radios,
By Ashok Ramsarup :: India – the world’s largest democracy – observes the 76th Constitution Anniversary adopted in 1950. This milestone is a testament to India’s journey toward democracy and self-governance. As the world reflects on this significant event, it’s intriguing to draw parallels...
This music style was known 6 rock and roll in the 1950’s. Since then there 7 (be) many forms of rock music, hard rock, soft rock, punk rock, disco music and others. Many 8 (perform) of popular rock music are young musicians. People hear these songs 9 (sing) in their original ...
In its origins, it combined the folk music of some European immigrant countries, mainly Ireland, with other musical forms, such as blues, bluegrass and spiritual and religious music, such as gospel. The term country began to be used in the 1950s to the detriment of the term hillbilly, whic...
On the sides we find two elliptical widebands. The entire frequency range is sent to these full-range speakers with a slight cut in the upper part, in reality the actual cut in the high part occurs mechanically. The front canvas covering the speakers is never completely transparent from an ...
stationed). It was mostly based on the idea of “possibles” that is as messages got decoded they became part of a “card index” database. When a new message came in “Huf Duf” HF Direction Finding and other “tells” in the then nascent “Traffic Analysis” gave lookups in the ...
Undoubtedly, units of the Wehrmacht Nachrichtentruppe (Signal Corps) in Stalingrad did have Feld-Hellschreibers, as this was standard equipment (ref. 5A). However, they were used for local communication. The 6th Army included 20 Divisions. Each division had its own Nachrichtenabteilung (Na-...
This music style was known 【6】 rock and roll in the 1950’s. Since then there 【7】 (be) many forms of rock music, hard rock, soft rock, punk rock, disco music and others. Many 【8】 (perform) of popular rock music are young musicians. People hear these songs 【9】 (sing) ...