We plead for a radiology curriculum for all medical students. This should include the interpretation of common abnormalities on chest and skeletal radiographs and a basic distinction of normal from abnormal images. Furthermore, substantial attention should be given to the correct ordering...
there was no significant difference between the group using ultrasound scanning (hands-on group) and a group which utilized ultrasound images, 3D models and prosections (hands-off group) for learning anatomy [26]. The ultrasound scanning group had significantly higher intrinsic motivation compared to...
There were 17 studies involving senior medical students, 16 studies involving junior medical students, 4 in a combined group of medical students and 3 were unspecified. Junior students were mostly taught basic imaging interpretation (n = 12/16, 75%), followed by anatomy (n = 8/16, ...
Quizzes for students Medical Student Lectures Pictorial Differential Diagnoses Side-by-side images of similar appearing diseases Medical Student Modules Short multiple-choice quizzes (answers not posted) Medical Student Packets More extensive case modules (answers not posted)...
MedOne Radiology provides core content for students and practitioners including case studies in RadCases, Books, images, videos and self-assessment.
A radiologist visual review committee also evaluates participant images for diagnostic quality. Data are collected from 23 independent centers, representing 14 models of MDCT scanners from four manufacturers, and CXR systems that include film-screen, computed radiography, and direct digital radiography ...
Various types of images allow radiologists, the physicians that work in radiology, to see what is happening inside their patients. Radiology is a very important part of modern medicine. Medical imaging allows for screening for diseases, as with mammograms for breast cancer. Radiology uses imaging ...
Radiology Cases:Images with a to-the-point discussion highlighting the specific diagnostic criteria. Radiology Case of the Day Collection: Aunt-Minnie Board Cases for Rapid Review. Radiology Videos:Videos with a short description of learning points from them. ...
The potential for AI in radiology generated excitement, which grew into substantial hype that has finally peaked. Innovators, software developers, academics, radiologists, and the industry collectively recognized the complexities of using AI in radiology. The first complication is that medical images cont...
Essential reading for radiology residents reviewing for boards, for practicing radiologists seeking a practical up-to-date guide to the field, and for motivated medical students. Editorial Reviews Review "Crystal-clear points wit...