10.2 Understanding Radioactivity and Units of Measurement 10.2.1 Radioactivity and Radioactive Decay After the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Roentgen (1845–1923) a new field of science emerged. Henri Becquerel (1852–1908) became interested in substances that became luminous after exposure to sunli...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a radiation measurement unit which allows for easily recognizing a submergence depth of a radiation dosimeter to place the dosimeter at an appropriate position.NAKANISHI YASUYUKI中西 保之ITO HIROSHI伊藤 浩史TOMINAGA KOJI...
For the measurement of radon, grams (or cubic centimetres) of this gas are impracticable as units, and it was therefore decided to use as unit of radon the quantity which is in radioactive equilibrium with 1 gm. of radium; it was called a 'curie'. Standards for radon measurements were ...
放射性活度放射性活度).放射性活度Anotherolderandcommonlyusedunitofactivityisthecurie(Ci)namedaftertheFrenchscientistsPierreandMarieCuriewhostudiedradium(镭).Thecurieis镭3.7×1010dis/sec,whichisanearlymeasuredvalueoftheactivitypergramofradium.9 3.3MEASUREMENTOFHALF-LIFE ...
Another older and commonly used unit of activity is the curie (Ci) named after the French scientists Pierre and Marie Curie who studied radium ( 发 ). The curie is 3.7 ×10 10 dis/sec, which is an early measured value of the activity per gram of radium. 10 3.3 MEASUREMENT OF HAL...
The present invention relates to electronic switches and, particularly, to such switches of the multiunit or multistage type used selectively to couple one or more signal sources to one or more output circuits. It is often desirable to p... JF Farrington - US 被引量: 99发表: 1946年 ...
A position-sensitive proportional counter with a partially resistive anode wire was constructed for activity measurement of 3H-labeled methane and its characteristics were measured. The new method was able to completely eliminate the influence of the end effect of the counter and the effective volume ...
In beta decay the atomic number shifts by one unit of charge, while the mass number remains unchanged. In contrast to alpha decay, when beta decay takes place between two nuclei which have a definite energy difference, the beta particles from a large number of atoms will have a continuous ...
Although not really practical as a measurement device, the spark detector can nevertheless be used to perform simple experiments with radioactivity. As an example, [Mirko] demonstrates in the video embedded below that alpha particles are stopped by a piece of paper and therefore present no immediate...
The measurand of an activity measurement is the expectation value at a reference time of the number of radioactive decays per second of a particular radionuclide in a material. The result is expressed in the SI-derived unit becquerel, which is equivalent to 1 aperiodic decay per second. The ...