multiple-choice conceptual tests to students from a wide-range of science backgrounds. Our results show that students are often unable to differentiate between the ideas of irradiation and contamination, and that many of these students' reasoning difficulties about radioactive decay and hal...
A radioactive sample has half-life of5years. Probability of decay in10years will be. View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation...
A decay in the Fisher information is equivalent to convergence to stability. This criterion is the Lyapunov stability criterion with the Fisher information as the Lyapunov function [43]. A definition of the Glandsdorff–Prigogine stability measure is the time derivative of the Fisher information [43...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
The ratio of the parent to the daughter elements is then used to calculate the age of the rock based on the known half-life decay rate of 40K into 40Ar – which is around 1.25 billion years. Actually, 40K decays into two different daughter products – 40Ca and 40Ar. However, since the...
the very long time it will take for long lived waste to decay to safe levels—how can anyone know how the materials which are used to contain the wastes will behave over thousands to millions of years? the large spatial scales which cannot be directly addressed in a laboratory—how can the...
A nucleus 2411Na is β-radioactive. (a) What are the numbers 24 and 11 called ? (b) Write the equation representing β-decay. (c ) What general name is given to the product nucleus with respect to 2411Na ? Video SolutionStruggling...
However, the immobilization of radioactive materials also introduces safety issues that must be considered since radioactive decay can cause a considerable increase in the temperature of the glass and may even cause its crystallization. Even if the glass composition does not change, the crystallization...
Radioactive nuclei in the process of their decay emit gamma rays. Different nuclei emit radiation of different energies. This technique allows us to calculate or verify parameters, such as fuel burnup rate and cooling time. The spent fuel is a high density radioactive source with a large ...