Isochron dating is unique in that it goes beyond measurements of parent and daughter isotopes to calculate the age of the sample based on a simple ratio of parent to daughter isotopes and a decay rate constant – plus one other key measurement. What is needed is a measurement of a second ...
and because they decay over time, Technetium has a 6-hour half-life. If we want to make a dose for a patient that's going to be 12 hours later, we need 4 times the activity to prepare that dose at the time, and we're preparing it, versus when it's actually going to be adminis...
and can replay this history while simulating transport of radionuclide species that leach from the waste form, and which can undergo decay and ingrowth, retardation and solubility limitation, and whose transport properties can be parameterized in terms of the reloaded chemical evolution (in particular ...
and can replay this history while simulating transport of radionuclide species that leach from the waste form, and which can undergo decay and ingrowth, retardation and solubility limitation, and whose transport properties can be parameterized in terms of the reloaded chemical evolution (in particular ...