radio frequency n.无线电频率 radio n. 1.收音机,无线电设备 2.无线电广播台 3.无线电,无线电传送,无线电广播 4.无线电收发报机 v.[I,T] 1.用无线电发送讯息 frequency n. 1.[C,U]发生率,出现率,重复率 2.[U]频繁 3.[C,U]频率 wave n. 1.波,波浪,波涛,海浪 2.挥手,招手 3.汹涌的...
Extending radiowave frequency detection range with dressed states of solid-state spin ensembles ArticleOpen access26 October 2024 Nuclear spin assisted magnetic field angle sensing ArticleOpen access19 February 2021 Radio-frequency single electron transistors in physically defined silicon quantum dots with a...
1)radio-frequency wave射频波 英文短句/例句 1.Studies on Synchronous Output for Dual-Wavelength RF Excited CO_2 Waveguide Laser双波长射频波导CO_2激光器同步输出研究 2.A tunable RF excited waveguide CO_2 laser with dual-channel,high synchronism and co-electrode双通道共电极双波长高同步射频波导CO_2...
In this section, we show how imaging by the wave map technique helps validate the results of ray tracing modeling. The terrestrial nonthermal continuum (NTC) radiation has long been observed outside the plasmasphere in the frequency range of 5–110 kHz (Gurnett, 1975). Since the NTC is ...
美 英 un.射频波 网络无线电频率辐射波 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 射频波 例句
The dielectric permittivity elements, evaluated in the paper, are suitable to estimate the wave dissipation by electron Landau damping (e.g. during the plasma heating and current drive generation) in the frequency range of Alfvén and fast magnetosonic waves, for both the large and low aspect ...
How does the frequency of a radio wave compare to the frequency of the vibrating electrons that produce it? Waves: The wave is defined as the characteristics phenomenon in which a disturbance traverses the path in the space and time carrying energy from point ...
Radio frequency is measured in units calledhertz(Hz), which represent the number of cycles per second when a radio wave is transmitted. One hertz equals one cycle per second; radio waves range from thousands (kilohertz) to millions (megahertz) to billions (gigahertz) of cycles per second. In...
Rastogi R G and Woodman R F 1978 VHF radio wave scattering due to range and frequency types of equatorial spread F ; J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 40 485–491Rastogi R G, Woodman R F 1978: J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. , 40, 485–491.