一打開,威風凜凜進行曲,手舞足蹈中 南瓜扶手2012-11-07 13:33:30 怎么居然没有人提dradio Kultur??? 这个台每晚黄金时段播出的音乐会跨的地域比较广,不像NDR,HR,SWR,BR,BERU那样主要在一个州。而且还提供录音软件,非常方便。此外当年考DSH之前...
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Radiation impedances of wire and rod antennas Rubber Duck Antennas Super-J Collinear SWR Article Explains SWR SWR Bridge with LED's Antenna Modeling Site - Swiss Antenna site - Very interesting - ...
Radio Slave (Official) is coming to Paragon in Brooklyn on Jan 18, 2025. Find tickets and get exclusive concert information, all at Bandsintown.
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这个台每晚黄金时段播出的音乐会跨的地域比较广,不像NDR,HR,SWR,BR,BERU那样主要在一个州。而且还提供录音软件,非常方便。此外当年考DSH之前Dradio的wissen台对听力真是帮助不小啊…… Radio Today下的“Konzert”(Concert)条目 “每日广播中的演奏会”,可以速查当天主要电台的黄金时段转播的演奏会。
SWR Old Myths and Real Facts Does the length of my coax effect my SWR? Should I use factors of 1/4 wave? Go To Story Basic Antenna Concepts Wavelength, Impedance Matching, Reflected Power, Bandwidth Learn about antenna and antenna theory. ...
Radio Slave (Official) is coming to MODE in Miami on Jan 24, 2025. Find tickets and get exclusive concert information, all at Bandsintown.
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