var radio = require("radio-stream"); var stream = radio.createReadStream(url); stream.on("connect", function() { console.error("Radio Stream connected!"); console.error(stream.headers); }); stream.on("data", function(chunk) { process.stdout.write(chunk); }); stream.on("metadata",... 好,很好。现在我们可以使用的 html 和 url 少了很多。现在复制该 url 并将其粘贴到您的网络浏览器中(您现在可以关闭以前的广播网页)。 Rick 单击播放按钮,选择 Inspect。 现在,使用 Ctrl+F(仅按 ctrl 和F),寻找 stream 。您应该会得到几...
import re import urllib2 import string url1 = raw_input("Please enter a URL from Tunein Radio: "); open_file = urllib2.urlopen(url1); raw_file =; API_key = re.findall(r"StreamUrl\":\"(.*?),",raw_file); #print API_key; #print "The API key is: " ...
Add more URLs and station names with the stations you want to stream. ℹ️ You can also add a stream file from the local filesystem. Some stations don't provide a remote URL. Usage To start streaming your favorite radio stations, use the radio start command followed by the station nam...
Hear superlative classical programs, concerts, and live events you cannot hear anywhere else – broadcasts your favorite orchestras and festivals — and more.
eventlet.monkey_patch()try: with eventlet.Timeout(5): response= requests.get("", verify=False)# is a radio stream!!#response = requests.get("", verify=False)printresponse.textexcept...
取得用來讀取檔案的 Stream。 (繼承來源 Control) RaiseBubbleEvent(Object, EventArgs) 指派事件的任何來源和它的資訊至控制項的父控制項。 (繼承來源 Control) RaisePostDataChangedEvent() 如果CheckedChanged 屬性在回傳時已變更,則會引發 Checked 事件。 RemovedControl(Control) 從Control 物件的...
图4 StreamTrasport界面 第三步: 上一步链接成功后会自动播放,并自动侦测URL,成功后会在图4的左下方白色框中会出现URL。选中要下载的URL,然后click“Download”,出现如图5所示对话框。Click "OK"按钮,出现图6的下载界面。可以按上述步骤添加多个下载条目,同时下载。
streamAudioPlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerControlleralloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURLURLWithString:@""]; streamAudioPlayer.movieSourceType =MPMovieSourceTypeStreaming; [[NSNotificationCenterdefaultCenter] addObserver:selfselector:@selector(MetadataUpdate:) name:MPMoviePlayerTimedMe...
RadioURLs There is information on how to grab Real Audio streams from internet radio stations and convert them into .mp3 files here:HowToRipRealaudioStreamsToMp3. This requires you to know the rtsp-protocol URL of the stream. Stations do not usually list their URLs, but embed them in .ram...