CGR Internet RadioVancouverWAUnited StatesDaily 1:00 pm WDYD100.9FMMerrillWIUnited States WBKW1070AMBeckleyWVUnited StatesMonday through Friday 7:00pm WEMM1470AMHuntingtonWVUnited States WEMM107.9FMHuntingtonWVUnited States WBWV88.7FMBeckleyWVUnited States WWOV101.1FMWheelingWVUnited States...
WJLS-AM Football 560 Beckley, WV WWBU-FM Football 101.7 Blacksburg, VA WRPW-FM Football 92.9 Bloomington, IL WAMN-AM Football 1050 Bluefield, WV WBZ-FM Football 98.5 Boston, MA WMOG-AM Football 1490 Brunswick, GA...
Joe L. Smith, Jr. who was the owner of WJLS in Beckley, and part-owner of WKWK in Wheeling, decided that WKNA, unlike the other new stations in Charleston, would be staffed by people with considerable broadcast experience. For that reason the station lived up to its advance billing as ...