- This app collect the world most listened to radio stations in different genres and gives you what's hot right now! Join the trends! GET IT NOW !! STOP ! browsing thousands of radio stations that exists in other apps.STOP ! waisting time on finding the radio station you want to...
The article reports that Patti Blagojevich, the wife of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, sued the radio station FM News 101.1 for allegedly using his image on Chicago-area billboards...
Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn where you can share updates about your station’s content or upcoming events. Engaging with influencers in your niche will also help expand your reach as they can introduce their followers to your station. ...
Copy the radio station URL from your mobile device’s browser. Open the TuneIn app for iOS or Android. Check to make sure you’re logged in with your TuneIn account by selecting the account icon at the top right. Follow TuneIn’s instructions on how to add a custom radio station URL...
interact with player like supervisor User * interface: WEB interface to monitor the player and scheduler and admin the schedules for the complete control over your station format. The web interface allows you to easily publish podcasts that conform to the RSS 2.0 and iTunes RSS podcast specificati...
● Share your favorite Station via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, email, sms ● You can record any of the radio stations that you are listening to and play them back later ● You can also add your own station with playing url and enjoy listening to it ● Radio Tuner will save your playe...
, FlatButton( child: Icon(Icons.stop), onPressed: () { FlutterRadio.playOrPause(url: streamUrl); playingStatus(); }, ), Text( 'Check Playback Status: $isPlaying', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 25.0), ) ], )), ), ); } Future playingStatus() async { bool isP = await Flutter...
The radio base station (1) includes an interface for connection to an external telephone network (6), and a radio transmission and reception block for communication with a mobile radio handset (3). The local network provides connection to the Internet. The radio base station (1) includes an ...
Cool FM - da Dance Station radiOzora Kerepes Radio Ozone FM Tihany Helikon Radio Radio Cafe El-Do Radio Gong Radio - Gyomro Radio 17 Rakosmente Radio 6 Radio Szombathely Vindornya FM Fuzio Radio Gerilla Radio Gong Radio - Nagykoros ...
let url = URL(string: "https://live.heartfm.com.tr/listen/heart_fm/currentsong")! URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in if let data = data, let songString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) { ...