call signal n (Broadcasting) a group of letters and numbers identifying a radio transmitting station, esp an amateur radio station. Comparecall letters Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, ...
station, enter the numbers into their laptop, and use the program to decode each day's instructions using a one-time pad. Here's a sample of ¡Atención!: [play sample] Some numbers stations have purposes that are more obscure, even though they may still have a government connection. On...
The graph shows one station’s four month trend as you’ve never seen trends displayed. Again, the numbers are real but we can’t tell you the market or station. Here we’re looking at share. The solid green line in the middle is the published share for each of four consecutive months...
What you've tuned in to is called a "Spy Numbers Station". They've been on the air for several decades, and only recently have the mysteries started to unfold. But there's still much we don't know about these mysterious stations. With the information on these pages, you'll discover ...
KMOX Radio Numbers Explode For information on how your station can become a radio affiliate, or to request Cardinals Radio Network broadcasts in your market, please contactBen ARKANSAS RADIO CITYCALL LETTERSFREQUENCY ...
Moreover, he highlighted the essential role of broadcasters in emergency situations, such as the recent wildfires in California, where local stations provided critical real-time updates that doubled and tripled their audience numbers. "The time to act is now," LeGeyt urged, calling on the FCC...
Station Information- This includes the name of the station, slogans, genres, links to websites, telephone numbers, text messaging as well as logo graphics that help listeners find your station and remind them of who they are listening to!
BIA-Kelseyrecently reported 2010 station revenues for the nation’s top ten stations. If we divide the station’s revenues by their latest full week PPM AQH numbers, we can compare the stations to each other as well as the national average. ...
A fixed station wanting to call a mobile station dials the number of that station and its own number. The caller than replaces the handset. Both numbers are transmitted to a control centre that finds the local fixed station serving the required mobile station. The mobile station is called ...
The source forecast that, in 2024, radio station advertising revenues in the United States will amount to approximately 13.76 billion U.S. dollars, of which 2.98 billion (or almost 22 percent) will come from online radio. The total figure is over four percent higher than the 2023 estimated ...