the policyofradio spectrum management.Weaim to ensure, through market forces, more [...] 我們會在年底前就管理無線電頻譜的政策,進行公開 諮詢,重點是通過市場力量,頻譜作為公共資源能更靈活有效地運用,切合 科技發展和業務模式的變遷。
RadioSpectrumManagementinChina HuWeiStaffMember RadioRegulatoryDepartment,MinistryofInformationIndustry,P.R.China Contents GeneralViewsRegulatoryOrganizationLawsandRegulationsFrequencyPlanningConclusion Generalviews GeneralViews TodayITindustryisbecomingakeysectorinnationaleconomyTheimportanceofradiospectrumasalimitednature...
Governments manage the use of the radio spectrum to prevent the degradation by interference of a valuable resource, to ensure that radio systems use spectrum economically, leaving room for new users and new uses, and to provide for the orderly use of frequencies where this is necessary for ...
Radio spectrum management : by D.J. Withers Peter Peregrinus, Stevenage, UK, on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1991, 523 pp, £59.00doi:10.1016/0308-5961(93)90032-XW.H. BellchambersTelecommunications Policy
and RSM Based Radio Spectrum Management for Realization of Flexible Software Defined Radio WorldFeasibility Study on Over-the-Air Software HIDAKA. Summary | Full Text:PDF(1.1MB). pp.3417-3424 PAPER ACU and RSM BasedRadio Spectrum Management for Realization of Flexible Software Defined Radio Wo......
Cognitive radioRadio Access Technologies (RATsCognitive Pilot Channel (CPCDynamic Spectrum Allocation (DSACognitive radio capabilities will lead to the ubiquitous availability of a great variety of innovative services, delivered via a multitude of Radio Access Technologies (RATs). To achieve this vision,...
Analysis and Design of National Spectrum Management System Spectrum is the very important national resource.The task of spectrum management is to constitute the policy of radio spectrum compartmentalization,to plan... GQ Zhang,MA Fei,LI Da-Yan - 《Radio Engineering of China》 被引量: 3发表: 200...
It hasnotgivenIndia'smobileoperatorsenoughspaceontheradiospectrumtocarrycallscrisplyandreliably. 但是,政府对此准备不足,没有为移动运营商提供充足的无线频谱来确保清晰流畅的通话。 7. Theeconomicvalueof theradiospectrumisthebasistocarryoutmarketmechanismmanagementtoit. ...
The reconfigurability in Cognitive Radio (CR) facilitates to dynamically change its parameters for the efficient spectrum utilization. The motivation behind the study of cognitive radio is that the number of different radio signals can be handled without