with the aforementioned shack at 5525 N. Sheridan Road serving as its “testing station.” The shack itself actually sat on the property of the swanky Edgewater
Radio Shack is essentially out of the HD Radio business. A shame, since the Shack was one of the early supporters. Radio Shack has every one of its house brand HD Radio units on clearance. Add to that a steady stream of critical comments about HD Radio on the audio “gearhead” forums...
That’s 84 to you and me. All kindsa good shit……you won’t be disappointed. Turn it up! We go LIVE!! every Wednesday night at 10pm ET / 7:00pm PT on REAL PUNK RADIO –Radio Done Right! https://realpunkradio.com/podcast/tommyunitlive/tommyunitlive610.mp3 Tommy Unit LIVE!!
Radio Shack had just come out with consumer tape recorders and cassette machines with Dolby-B integrated into the machines. This was a game changer for cassette users. Radio Shack also sold an outboard consumer Dolby-B unit, the Radio Shack model DNR-1 Noise Reduction System, model number 14...
Radio Shack SW-100 AM/FM/SW/CB/TV/Air/Weather Radio The SW-100 is a real step back in time…more so than many other radios of its era. While 1993 doesn’t seem like ancient history to me, this radio demonstrates just how much has changed since then, primarily because of its band ...
There were a bunch of trail runners there, so I was surprised by the number of cars there. My setup for both days included my usual Penntek TR-35 (5 watts, CW), MFJ-1977 12-foot whip, and homebrew loading coil. The view from my “mobile shack” on Saturday at Valley Forge ...
1945 - onwards - Favorite Radio Catalogs of the day -- every Ham had the latest copy: Allied Radio, Lafayette (also here), Burnstein- Applebee, Newark, World Radio Labs, Gotham Antennas, Fort Orange Radio, Radio Shack, Olson, Amateur Electronic Supply, Associated Radio, Digi-Key, Jameco, ...
I had also used the little Radio Shack amplified speaker on the output so my buddy could copy along in the conversations. GRC-109 at work in camp Above: The preliminary GRC-109 / PRC-47 setup. Initial radio checks; everything is working. All that iron in the volcanic soil probably ...
The days of being able to go to a local electronics or radio repair shop, or even Radio Shack, and picking up a couple of capacitors or an opamp or whatever are long gone. While I still do have a local Radio Shack (how I don’t know, but I do), it only carries the most ...
I moved the receiver into the ham shack so I hook up the Collinear Array antenna. 40M perked right up with a matched antenna. 20M was very active with signals. This was about 3:30PM in June, so 80M was dead. I tried Band E and switched the IF to 1560kc but nothing was heard. ...