neutron Alarm system,criticality accident Alpha particle Beta particle buckling Burst,prompt Excursion period Exponential column exposure Favorable geometry Fissile nucleus Fissile system Fission,nuclear Fission products Fissionyield,excursion Fissionable nucleus Gamma radiation Gray (Gy) hazard inhour Ionizing ...
When operating without the gas generator and when plugged into an electric lamp socket in that hotel “safe house” via a screw-in adapter, their low power CW would not even blink the house lights during those 0242 hours SITREP transmissions back to base. The set is capable of running the ...
I sent Ernie VK3DET a message and he said he’d head to his shack and be listening for me in 10-15 minutes. I had checked, called and found 14.290 MHz free on 20 metres and that is where I was to make the majority of my contacts, despite some eastern European station starting up...
The shack setup at the summit. Tree stumps make very useful squid pole supports. After activating I descended back down the trail to the car park. Even though this summit is a fairly easy walk about an hour, My legs were starting to let me know I had done enough for the day, so now...
I awoke before the alarm and was able to leave home at 6:30 am local time. The extra 30 minutes were useful as I had to get petrol at the local garage. The run down was uneventful and I was on the summit with a heavily loaded rucksack by 7:30 am. I had everything set up for...