Show Repeater Inputs Bureau of Indian Affairs Jicarilla Agency FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag 172.675 RM 127.3 PL BIA Jcrla Jicarilla Fire (Ojitos, Osborne) FMN Federal Mescalero Apache Tribe The Mescalero Apache Tribe is located near Mescalero in Otero County FrequencyLicense...
RadioPlanner 3.0 by CTT has proven to be an invaluable tool for the Eastern Colorado Repeater Association (ECRA). Our organization focuses on implementing, creating, and maintaining reliable and effective VHF and UHF repeater systems while bridging the coverage gaps that exist in Eastern Colorado. ...
This bedroom conveniently had the access door to the attic which allowed me to easily snake coax from the radio into the attic where I had installed a Ringo Ranger vertical antenna. I easily got into the W1BIM repeater in Paxton, MA from my home in Lincoln, RI with my pair of Icom ...
Remember, you must be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, (the FCC) and in order to get a ham radio license, you must pass an exam to receive your license. Exam testing is usually given in or near your local area by ham radio operators that want you to pass the test! T...
Raspberry Pi 3 APRS Station running Xastir, Information on how to build your own APRS Station, iGate or Digipeater. Download Repeater Frequencies in East Tennessee too.
README GPL-2.0 license M17 Digital Voice, now using FLTK M17 Digital Voice, mvoice, is a fully functional, graphical repeater. It uses David Rowes Codec 2 and operates as a complete M17 repeater, only there is no RF component. It can Link to M17 reflectors and it can also dorouting!
For 10 years I had a paper route and would listen and talk on the same repeater while I drove my route. Another Amateur got his license to augment his cell phone while skiing the Sierras. Recently, a gentleman became a HAM to work on the Iditarod. I got my license just to prove ...
If we model the head as a sphere of approximately 5 cm radius, communication between a transmitting microscopic antenna anywhere inside the brain and an identical one used as a repeater node located just under the skull would derive the + 80 dB in gain seen in Fig. 6 as compared...
If you are in the USA, find a club near you. If you are in Finland, find a club near you. Amateur Radio Enclopedia: Operating Aids STUDY AND GET YOUR LICENSE - EASILY!: It has never been easier to get a ...
Past Vice President of the Florida Repeater council and Data Base Manager for Florida. At one time I was also very active with CW, RTTY, and Packet. In about 1987 I found a love for transmitter hunting along with being active on SSB, FM and even AM. While participating in various ...