Big River hardware -knobs, grille cloth , repairs Books on 50s Crystal & Transistor Radios,Eric Wrobbel's site Burlingame Radio & Camden Antique Radio Service(Near Indianapolis, IN) Dave's Homemade-radio kits, info & hard to find parts ...
Words from the same Latin root (antīquus) include antic in English, antik (ancient, antique) in German, and antiguo (old, ancient, vintage) in Spanish [source]. The island of Antigua in the Caribbean also gets its name from the same roots, via Spanish antigua (ancient, old), and was...
Be sure to add me to your! Check out my! Shipping Discount applies when more than 1 item purchased. Here is a Vintage Micronta( Division of Tandy Corporation) Mini Digital Multimeter Model 22-9022 in Near Mint Condition. In Working Condition. Installed a fresh 9Volt Battery. No damage to...
Now that these repairs have been made, this gear plays great and is very sensitive across the AM band. 5 tubes (AA5) 6A7 78 75 41 84. 11.5″ W x 8″ H x 6″ D @ 10lbs. Again, this radio has been sold and a big thanks to the owner for allowing me to photograph it in ...
You can even learn the best stores for repairs and on where to source your materials such as Scrooz fasteners. Art Art, Music The Advantages of Music to our Brain August 10, 2022 Maurice Davin Most have an innate understanding of how music affects our energy and mood. For this reason...
The Plan - The Howard 450A is going to require a complete "strip out" of the old sloppy repairs, the incorrect parts, the modifications and the defective parts. This is usually what has to be done with ham radio "kits" but so much of the 450A has been tampered with, it almost has...
Being interested above all else in their music, I wish I’d been able to find more people involved in their studio sessions, though I did speak with Norman Dolph, Vic Briggs, and Lewis Merenstein, who produced Cale’s Vintage Violence. I couldn’t locate Val Valentin, who engineered some...
100-percent of donations pay for something the radio station needs in order to continue: rent, electricity, city water, streaming fees, equipment repairs and replacement, etc. Find KNYO’s shiny red donation heart and help out if you can. Speaking of which, I’ve been doing my show on...
Within 30 days from the order date, you may return to us (in original condition with original packaging) any new InfOspot product, requesting service, replacement or a refund (minus original freight and handling). Repairs and labor required to bring a returned product back to marketable conditio...
Mr. Alan Evans’ studio and the desire for both to work with each other finally on a record like this. So this one is on Alan’sVintage League Musiclabel which is a conduit for many a funky great. Mostly, I really wanted to tell him how funky he is and that this record really sho...