TAPR http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/pktf.html INTRODUCTION TO PACKET RADIO http://www.choisser.com/packet/ Packet http://www.qsl.net/n9zia/ Packet Radio Nets http://www.choisser.com/hamradio/packet.html Packet Radio Training Course http://www.rain.org/~jkrigbam/packet.htm Packet ...
An ARRL affiliated association of licensed ham radio operators who share an interest in Recreational Vehicles (RV enthusiasts). This site has information about our club and rv rallies, ham radio nets, Hamfests, campgrounds, and history of the RV Radio Ne
NM5HD HDARC Free Ham radio testing and classes for all elements Also mentoring and presentations in the resource library
You can see the details for these nets below. I donated a like-new Collins TCS-13 transceiver to the USS Hornet. You can now see it in the Radio Room on the ship docked in Alameda. I am cleaning out my HAM shack of the following: Heathkit Tube Generator and three boxes of tubes ...
advance, others checked into nets, some looked for DX. Many added considerable skill to the art of ragchewing. Control operators answered thousands of questions from non-ham fair visitors and helped hundreds fill out radiograms, which were moved by Anita Teffeteller ...
In the weeks that followed our Rag Chew session was joined by a ham from Tamaqua now living in Lewisburg, Pa. Bill W3JDU., Wayne W3AKN and Bill W3MXD. Each of these worked night shift and would have a chat with us before going to work. This 1:30 Rag Chew session continued through...
AFTS (Audio Frequency Tone Shift) RATT NETS AFTS terminal units of the AN/SGC-1 series and the newer CV-2460/SGC are reliable and "nettable" items of the ship's TTY system. They are versatile equipments ideal for ORESTES nets within a task group or task unit. For this reason, ...
Charlie was active and vibrant until his last days. Even into his 90s, he would walk several miles a day, take the train to downtown Los Angeles and work CW and phone on several local nets. He told me many times “I don’t know what I’ll do when I get old and can’t do thin...
Activate local nets as needed or as requested by NWS throughout the year. Participate in regional drills and exercises throughout the year. Maintain a list of trained SKYWARN Spotter ham radio operators within your organization. Assist in hosting SKYWARN Spotter training in your area. ...
ARRL NET SEARCH -- NTS Area Nets, Maritime Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets. Provision to add and update Net Listing NOTICE: NETS COME AND GO!!! IF YOU KNOW OF A NET THAT'S MOVED/CHANGED/DISBANDED, LEY ME KNOW...