The other participants underwent surgery and the resected pancreatic tissue was used for microSPECT/CT imaging (MILabs, Utrecht, The Netherlands). A 1 h microSPECT/CT scan of the resected pancreatic tissue was performed using a 1.5-mm diameter pinhole rat collimator tube followed by a CT scan ...
Institute for Subatomic Physics, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands A. P. Colijn Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Aichi, 464-8601, Japan S. Kazama Coimbra Polytechnic-ISEC, 3030-199, Coimbra, Portugal J. A. M. Lopes INFN, Sez. di Ferrara and Dip. di Fi...
The micro-CT images were obtained on a MILabs VECTor6CTUHROI unit (Houten, Utrecht, Netherlands) immediately after micro-PET for the purpose of anatomic/molecular data fusion. The accurate total body, full scan angle micro-CT images were acquired for ~ 8–10 min, and concurrent image ...
29 Concertzender Utrecht , Nederland De Concertzender , established as a "Stichting" (foundation) in 1982 is a voluntary organization. A radio station broadcasting music 24 hours daily. The programmes include "serious" music from all historic periods and types: classical, but also jazz, world mu...